
Items in our bags can include (but are not limited to):
All items are individually packed.

Breakfast: single packet oatmeal, grits, Belvita cookies, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Nutragrain bars

Lunch: canned pasta, canned meats, mac and cheese, baked beans, chili, soup, vegetables

Snacks: granola bars, raisins, craisins, goldfish, peanut butter and crackers, pretzels, Cheezits, pudding cups, applesauce cups

Fruits/Vegetables: Any individually packaged fruit or vegetable.
Eventually we would like to offer fresh fruit a few times a month.

Other Wishlist Items: plastic grocery bags, gift cards to grocery stores

Please click here to find a drop off location in your area!

Not sure if we can use a certain item? Email us at khristen@mgmfoodforkids.com to find out!