The Montgomery Food For Kids Backpack program was started in 2014 in response to a growing desire to help overcome generational poverty. We started off at one school (Davis Elementary) where we fed 10 children every weekend. This year we have expanded our program and will be providing food for 64 children every week throughout the 2018/2019 school year at three separate schools.
Children are selected for our program by the principal and faculty of the school. Students that qualify to participate in the program are those that have displayed signs of hunger at school. Parents are asked to fill out a consent form that explains the program as well as asks about food allergies. Once this form is completed, our organization packs plastic grocery bags with kid friendly, nutritious, non-perishable food. The bags contain 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 snacks and 2 fruits or vegetables. On Thursday mornings, the bags are transported to the school where they are stored until Friday afternoon. Bags are then distributed anonymously to students prior to school dismissal on Friday afternoons. No one in our organization knows the children involved with this program.
Presently we are partnering with Catoma Elementary School (3rd year), Highland Gardens Elementary School (4rd year) and Martin Luther King Elementary School (2nd year).
Support from your organization helps us to continue to reach more children in the Montgomery Public School System. Click here to see how you can help!